Assalamwalaikum/hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well in this chilly weather. Traditionally, sheer khurma is made during Eid but the ongoing weather prompted me to make this delicious drink. For this recipe, you will need:
1 liter of milk
1/4 to 1/2 cup condensed milk(you can skip this if you want to)
Sugar as per as your taste
3 to 5 tbsps of vermicelli
Crushed or Sliced nuts of your choice (I used almonds, cashew and dried figs)
1 tbsp ghee
A pinch of food color (skip if you wish)
In a non stick pan, add a tbsp of Ghee. Once the Ghee heats, add the vermicelli and nuts and slightly roast them. In a wide vessel, bring the milk to a boil. Add the sugar and condensed milk. Once the nuts and vermicelli are roasted, add them to the milk. Add a pinch of food color. Stir and bring to a boil. Delicious sheer khurma is ready. Enjoy!